Thursday, 18 July 2013

Linked classes


Classes can be split in Nova-T6 in several ways.

Linked classes

Linked classes should be used if 2 teachers are teaching the class at the same time and the students are to be split into 2 groups. To set up a linked class:

1. On the Model screen, use ctrl-drag to drag the subject required from the list on the right hand side and drop it on top of the original class; the linked class will then appear immediately UNDER the original class:


2. On the classes screen you will see that there are now two classes in the same cell. If necessary, drag the first teacher on. Drag the second teacher on, saying 'No' to the question ‘do you wish to replace the existing teacher’. Now you have two classes and two teachers in the same cell.

3. On the classes screen, to set the main teacher for each class, click on each class label and choose the correct teacher.

4. On the sessions screen, highlight the appropriate class and assign the correct teacher to the correct class (note that 3 above does not do this automatically); if the teachers are on the wrong classes then simply drag them from the wrong to the correct class.

In SIMS .net, in Curriculum Assignment by Scheme, students are assigned to the separate classes by highlighting the class in the browser and using the 'Down Level' button (if required).

Assessment Manager will show a marksheet for each teacher for each class.

Extra teachers on the Classes screen

This is the normal method used where 2 or more staff teach the class at different times.

1. On the Classes screen, drag the second teacher onto the cell which contains the class to be shared

A message appears asking 'Replace the teacher?' Click on No. This places both teachers on the same class.

Double-click the class name to ensure that the correct teacher has been chosen as Main Class Teacher

2. On the Sessions screen, browse to the block that contains the class. Click on the required class and check to see that the required teacher has been assigned to the correct class on the Sessions window on the right hand side.

3. Check that the block has been correctly built and scheduled on the Block screen

In SIMS .net, in Curriculum Assignment by Scheme, the class appears once only with the main class teacher in brackets under the class name column heading. In Assessment Manager, on the Template setup only one marksheet appears with the main teacher's name, but when the teachers are logged into SIMS .net they will both find the marksheet under My Marksheets.

Extra classes on the Model screen

Instead of the previous method, an extra class can be added on the Model screen where a class is taught at different periods by different teachers. This is the way in which Nova-T4 handled the problem. However, this is not necessary in T6, although if this method is used, it does allow the user to assign each teacher as a Main teacher to their own instance of a class. If this method is used, Nova-T4 will show the same Plan and Timetabled period information for teachers as Nova-T6 (rather than showing the non main teacher just on the timetable and not on the Plan). A teacher does not have to be a main teacher to see their marksheet in Assessment Manager.

1. On the Model Screen, enter the class twice. i.e. drag the subject from the subject list on the right and drop it into a block, then drag the same subject again and drop it next to the original one in the same group on the same block. Add the correct number of periods for each instance of the class.

2. On the Classes Screen, click and drag the teachers to allocate them to the separate classes.

3. On the Sessions Screen; check that the correct teachers appear on the correct classes.

4. On the Block screen, build the block and check that it is scheduled.

In SIMS .net in Curriculum Assignment by Scheme, the allocation of students is normally done by group, so group membership will ensure that a student belongs to both classes.

Assessment Manager will show a marksheet for each teacher for each class.

Adding extra teachers/staff who are in the class at the same time as the main teacher

A teacher or teaching assistant can be added on the Classes screen using Method B above where they are in the same class at the same time as the main teacher. The system will highlight these 'over resourced classes' in pink on the Classes screen.

However the usual way to assign such extra assistance is to open a timetable (Year, Teacher etc), right click on the class and use the 'Add staff' option. These extra staff will show on brackets on the timetables in Nova-T6. In Assessment Manager, on the Template setup only one marksheet appears with the main teacher's name, but if the 'extra' teachers are logged into SIMS .net they will find the marksheet under My Marksheets.

Whichever of the methods above is used, all the staff will see a register for the class in Lesson Monitor and the class will appear in their Staff Groups link.

Simon Wood, SIMS Team, January 2010

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